7 weeks pregnant

Your baby is the size of a


At 7 weeks pregnant, you might notice some of those common pregnancy symptoms kicking in, such as morning sickness or food cravings. Or you might be lucky enough to have very mild to no symptoms at all – every pregnancy is unique! Read on to discover more about your symptoms, your baby’s amazing developments at 7 weeks pregnant, and some helpful things to consider during this time.

7 Weeks Pregnant: Highlights

If you’re 7 weeks pregnant, check out these important points that highlight what’s going on during this exciting time:

  • It might be time to confirm your pregnancy with your GP, if you haven’t already. You may want to wait until your missed period and after taking a home pregnancy test.

  • Your baby's brain, spinal cord, limbs and facial features continue to develop.

  • Cue the pregnancy cravings – around 7 weeks pregnant is when you might start to notice them a bit more. Feel free to indulge a little as long as you’re maintaining a balanced diet.

Confirming Your Pregnancy at 7 Weeks

You may have taken a home pregnancy test at 7 weeks pregnant, after missing your period. If your test was negative at 7 weeks, you may want to test again or make an appointment with your GP to confirm your pregnancy.

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, it's natural to wonder when you’ll get to meet your baby. Your GP can help you determine your due date around 7 weeks, during your first ultrasound scan, but in the meantime, you can get an idea by using our Due Date Calculator.


How Many Months Is 7 Weeks Pregnant?

You may have heard pregnancies referred to in both weeks and months; however, it’s more common for your GP and midwife to use weeks. Pregnancy is usually estimated as 40 weeks, and there are various methods for grouping the weeks into months. At 7 weeks pregnant, you’re likely in your second month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any bump or symptoms yet!

Your Baby's Development at 7 Weeks Pregnant

There’s a lot going on at 7 weeks pregnant and your baby is making big steps in their development! Interestingly, at 7 weeks your little one is still an embryo, but by 8 weeks pregnant they’ll become a foetus. This week, foundations are being set for major organs, systems and features.

  • Although your baby's brain development will continue long after birth, at 7 weeks your embryo's brain is growing very fast. This means the head is bigger than the rest of the body, and the forehead is especially large.

  • As the brain and spinal cord develop, the number of nerve cells multiply. In fact, 100 brain cells form per minute!

  • Tiny facial features are also starting to take shape. Your baby’s inner ear is developing and there are small dimples where the ears will be. There are also dimples where the nose will be. The eyelids are starting to grow and cover the eyes. The eyelids will fuse shut and remain closed until much later in your pregnancy.

  • Where your baby's arms will eventually be, there are now these little buds with paddle-shaped ends. These tiny buds are made of cartilage, which will eventually become bone. The flat, paddle-shaped ends will become hands.

If you have a antenatal check-up scheduled at 7 weeks pregnant, or sometime thereafter, an ultrasound scan may be able to detect cardiac activity (though not a true heartbeat yet). Don’t worry if the first ultrasound isn't scheduled for you at 7wks pregnant, your doctor will arrange one soon enough.

Size of Baby at 7 Weeks Pregnant

Your little one is growing fast! At 7 weeks, your embryo is about the size of a blueberry or grape, about 10 millimetres long from their head to their bottom.

Your Baby: What Does 7 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

For a visual idea of how things are developing inside your uterus this week, check out this illustration:

Your Body at 7 Weeks Pregnant

You may be experiencing those common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 7 weeks. Keep in mind that many of the symptoms may subside in your second trimester, which is just a few weeks away.

Healthy habits should take centre stage now, and it’s important to be careful about catching an infection as some can harm the baby. If you think you have an infection, see your doctor right away.

You may also be more susceptible to certain infections during pregnancy. One example is toxoplasmosis, an infection that's passed through raw or undercooked meat and cat faeces. One way of avoiding this bacterium is by getting someone else to take care of the kitty litter tray throughout your pregnancy.

Your Symptoms at 7 Weeks Pregnant

Every pregnancy is unique and at 7 weeks pregnant you may be experiencing many symptoms, or perhaps you’re lucky enough to feel no symptoms at all. Here are some common signs of pregnancy around 7 weeks:

  • Food cravings or aversions. Feel like pickles and chocolate for dinner? Can't stand the smell of eggs even though you normally love them? Your food preferences and tolerance for strong odours may change during this time, and pregnancy hormones may be responsible. If you find yourself craving any non-food items, like dirt or chalk, talk to your doctor or midwife right away. This could be pica, a condition caused by low iron levels.

  • Thirst. This may sound unusual, but the volume of blood in your body has increased by 50 per cent by now. This extra blood provides oxygen and nutrients for your womb in order to feed your baby. Interestingly, this may make you feel extra thirsty. Stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of fluid per day.

  • Nausea. Of all the symptoms at 7 weeks pregnant, morning sickness might be the most bothersome because it's often in full swing by this stage making you feel pretty miserable. Luckily, many mums-to-be report that it disappears during the second trimester so hang in there. In the meantime, eat small meals throughout the day, opt for bland foods instead of those that trigger your nausea and rest up.

  • Constipation. If your digestive system is sluggish at around seven weeks pregnant, it's usually nothing to worry about. It may be one of the gastrointestinal symptoms (like diarrhoea or indigestion) that you might experience due to fluctuating hormones. Drink lots of water, exercise and add more fibre to your diet. Contact your doctor if these lifestyle changes don't get things moving along.

  • Spotting. Light spotting at seven weeks pregnant is probably normal but if you notice heavier bleeding or if you're at all concerned, call your doctor or midwife.

  • Cramping. If you feel mild uterine cramps, what you're experiencing is probably normal. Your uterus is expanding and is now the size of a lemon, so some discomfort is to be expected. If the cramping is severe or long-lasting, or if you feel pain other than cramping, call your midwife.

  • Fatigue. You may continue to feel exhausted at seven weeks pregnant. Take good care of yourself by resting as often as you can. This could even mean saying no to certain activities, or asking others to help with some chores.

  • Frequent urination. Hormonal changes and your growing uterus placing pressure on your bladder may see you heading to the bathroom more often. Don't reduce your water intake; you should be drinking eight glasses of fluid a day. Instead take practical steps like going to the toilet before you head out the door, or pre-planning where the nearest toilets are in advance.

  • Discharge. Vaginal discharge is common at any time, especially during pregnancy, so if you notice a milky white discharge, that’s normal.

Check out our A to Z guide to pregnancy aches and pains to feel more prepared for what you may experience during the coming months.

What Size is a Pregnant Belly at 7 Weeks?

We discussed the size of your baby at 7 weeks, but what size is your belly right now? At 7 weeks pregnant, you probably won’t see any difference in your belly, as your baby is only the size of a blueberry! Still, slight bloating around your abdomen may accompany your pregnancy at 7 weeks, giving you what appears to be a small bump. In fact, a baby bump doesn’t usually show until around week 12, or slightly earlier if you’ve been pregnant before.

What Does 7 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

To get a better idea of what your belly might look like around 7 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your second month of pregnancy, check out the image below.

Things to Consider at 7 Weeks Pregnant

Although it’s still early in your pregnancy journey, there’s a lot to consider. From making healthy food choices to restocking your wardrobe, check out our list below.

  • Take good care of your skin. If you have a pre-existing skin condition like acne, it may flare up during the first trimester (thanks, hormones!), before improving as your oestrogen levels rise from the second trimester onward. After your baby is born, the level of acne you have will return to what it was pre-pregnancy. Your doctor or midwife will be able to give you advice on how to treat or manage any skin conditions you have during your pregnancy. It’s a normal part of pregnancy and nothing to worry about, but oil-free products may help keep breakouts in check.

  • Buy a few pieces of clothing to wear as you grow. Stretchy clothes are great for staying comfortable, but also think about the fit and material. For example, make sure you get fitted for the right bra size throughout your pregnancy, and look for underwear and clothes made from cotton or other natural fibres to help keep you cool and comfortable.

  • Make sure you and your little one are getting the nutrients you need. Think about ditching high fat and sugary foods as they can lead to health problems and weight gain. Also, if you're vegetarian or vegan, you can find protein sources (like grains and legumes)that will help balance your diet. Ask your doctor or midwife whether you need to take any pregnancy vitamins and supplements, like iron or vitamin B12, which is found only in animal products.

  • Learn how to cope with physical and emotional symptoms. If your pregnancy symptoms have you feeling down, keep in mind that you're just over a month away from your second trimester, when many of these pesky first trimester symptoms start to subside. Even better news: many mums-to-be report an uptick in their energy levels in the next trimester. Still, if your mood swings seem particularly severe or if you have a mental health condition you need help with, chat with your doctor. They will have good strategies for how it can be managed throughout the rest of your pregnancy.

  • Start a month-by-month baby bump photoshoot! Stand in the same spot each month, wearing the same clothes in a side-on position while a photo is taken. The keepsake will bring a smile to your face in the years to come, and the pictures also make a beautifully shareable memento should you want to post them to social media or email them to loved ones.

Tip for Partners

Your pregnant partner may be feeling extra tired right now, so encourage them to rest and take regular naps. It might be nice to let them lie-in when they can and treat them to a yummy breakfast in bed. Let your partner know that you’ve got the chores covered while they rest!



Pregnancy Symptoms
What to Do About Back Pain During Pregnancy

Questions for Your Doctor at 7 Weeks Pregnant

Around 7 weeks or sometime before 10 weeks pregnant, you’ll have your first appointment with your doctor or midwife, known as the ‘booking appointment’, and you’ll also be offered an ultrasound scan between 8 and 14 weeks. Throughout your pregnancy, you’ll have up to 10 appointments which will give you the perfect opportunity to ask questions and bring up concerns. Some questions you might want to ask include:

  • Do I need to take any supplements, such as folic acid?

  • What's the best way to manage weight gain while pregnant?

  • Do you recommend any online or in-person antenatal classes?

  • Are there any special precautions to take at work during pregnancy? When should I tell my employer I’m pregnant? When’s the right time to announce my pregnancy in general?

  • What plans are in place for labour and delivery? Talk with your doctor and midwife about any risk factors that may complicate your pregnancy or labour.

  • What are the signs of hyperemesis gravidarum?


At 7 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing morning sickness, and around the end of your first trimester is typically when it’s at its worst. This may make your stomach feel unsettled or eve cause vomiting. Around 7 weeks you might also notice mild cramping (like period pains) or bloating.

7 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

As you anticipate your exciting new pregnancy, consider the following to-dos:

□ Do you have a midwife yet? If not, it’s a good idea to find one and schedule an appointment before you hit the 10-week mark. Your GP can help you find one. Where the appointment happens depends on the services in your area but it could be that the midwife comes to your home, or that you have to go to a nearby hospital or Children’s Centre. When making the appointment, find out what the midwife would like you to take with you.

□ Make sure you're getting enough folic acid and other essential nutrients in the form of a prenatal vitamin.

□ Think about whether you plan to go on holidays over the next few months. If you already have a holiday booked, make sure you’re still going to be able to go. The second trimester might be the perfect time for a relaxing trip, but you may need to adjust your booking if you have flights scheduled around your due date.

□ Read up on what you may experience in the next few weeks of your pregnancy in our go-to Pregnancy Guide.

□ Play around with our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator to get an estimate of healthy weight gain based on your pre-pregnancy weight.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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