Toddler Discipline: Being Consistent

Consistency is Key

If mum and dad haven't already had a heart-to-heart about discipline, now's the time. You may be surprised to discover that your views are quite different, and the one thing your child needs most right now is consistency. Naturally, you each had different experiences in your own childhood that will shape your approach to discipline, but you'll need to find an approach that you both can agree on.

Get on the Same Page

Your child can do well in either a strict or a lenient household (with limits on each end), but divisions in the household could be harmful. She won't know what's expected of her and will quickly work out how to play one of you against the other. So sit down and talk things through. Get your strategies ready. Reading, thinking and working together to develop a discipline plan is a simple, effective approach that has stood the test of time. Remember, the most important thing that you give your child after love is discipline.

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